Welcome to Mrs. Safar’s webpage!
In English 7-9, students learn to appreciate and analyze literature using literary elements, including plot and setting, suspense, character elements, theme, symbol, etc. Students also learn grade level appropriate writing skills, including academic and creative writing. Self-selected reading is a focus in these grades.
English 10 is a World literature focus, reading texts from around the world, and learning to write academically in relation to the texts read.
English 11 is an American literature survey, as well as enhancement of the academic writing learned in English 10.
ENGL 1101 is a college composition class for fall semester.
ENGL 1205 is a literature focused composition class for spring semester.

About Me
-graduated from Mahnomen High School
-currently live in Ogema, MN
-own a grain farm with my husband, Josh
-two children: Danica and Will
-went to MSUM for my Bachelor’s degree
-went to SMSU for my Master’s degree
-taught at Frazee High School for 7 years
Other Duties at UH
-Yearbook Advisor, Senior Advisor, NHS Advisor